How Do You Know if a Diet is Right for YOU?

After years of study, testing, discussion and argument, an amazing diet has been revealed!

There are over 30,000 diets available to you.  There are low-carb, high-carb, high protein, low protien. Low fat, high fat.  You name it.  Literally any type of diet that you could ever dream of.  There are even many programs that ship nutricious and delicious meals to your door step.

Which of these diets is the very best? Whcih diet has the magic ingredients that will make you lose weigth and keep it off forever?

Any of them.  All of them.  It is not about the diet!   Any reduced calorie diet that you can stick to will work.  If you stick to a diet that includes eating fewer calories than you burn off in a day you will lose weight..  If you sticfk to it.  But, how do you do that?

The great news is:  Relax and Lose Weight has been designed to work with any diet you choose!

Have you tried diet after diet only to not be able to stick with it until you lose the weight you want?  Even sadder, have you lost weight only to gain it all back and maybe more?

Those days are over!

Succeed with any diet you chose.  No more yoyo dieting.  No more disappointment. Wether you pick a formal diet program or cook meals for yourself, if you reduce your calorie intake to a level that takes in fewer calories than you burn off during a day you will lose all the weight you want.  Finally, with Relax and Lose Weight, you will be able to stck with it until you lose all the weight you want and then keep it off by easily maintaining the perfect eating habits for you.

Check out our redeisigned Relax and Lose Weight program to see how you will succeed  You will be glad you did!

Still time to get your summer body ready.  Start today!  One time cost of $29.95.  Spouse is free!

The Weight Loss Diet Revealed!


After years of study, testing, discussion and argument, an amazing diet has been revealed!

There are over 30,000 diets available to you.  There are low-carb, high-carb, high protein, low protien. Low fat, high fat.  You name it.  Literally any type of diet that you could ever dream of.  There are even many programs that ship nutricious and delicious meals to your door step.

Which of these diets is the very best? Whcih diet has the magic ingredients that will make you lose weigth and keep it off forever?

Any of them.  All of them.  It is not about the diet!   Any reduced calorie diet that you can stick to will work.  If you stick to a diet that includes eating fewer calories than you burn off in a day you will lose weight..  If you sticfk to it.  But, how do you do that?

The great news is:  Relax and Lose Weight has been redesigned to work with any diet you choose!

Have you tried diet after diet only to not be able to stick with it until you lose the weight you want?  Even sadder, have you lost weight only to gain it all back and maybe more?

Those days are over!

Succeed with any diet you chose.  No more yoyo dieting.  No more disappointment. Wether you pick a formal diet program or cook meals for yourself, if you reduce your calorie intake to a level that takes in fewer calories than you burn off during a day you will lose all the weight you want.  Finally, with Relax and Lose Weight, you will be able to stck with it until you lose all the weight you want and then keep it off by easily maintaining the perfect eating habits for you.

Check out our redeisigned Relax and Lose Weight program to see how you will succeed  You will be glad you did!

Still time to get your summer body ready.  Start today!  One time cost of $29.95.  Spouse is free!

Relax and Achieve LLC has been selected for the 2016 Best of South Windsor Awards for Business Services

Relax and Achieve LLC Receives 2016 Best of South Windsor Award

South Windsor Award Program Honors the Achievement

SOUTH WINDSOR June 15, 2016 — Relax and Achieve LLC has been selected for the 2016 Best of South Windsor Award in the Business Services category by the South Windsor Award Program.

Each year, the South Windsor Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the South Windsor area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2016 South Windsor Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the South Windsor Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About South Windsor Award Program

The South Windsor Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the South Windsor area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The South Windsor Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community’s contributions to the U.S. economy.

SOURCE: South Windsor Award Program

Chicken Piccata. Great non-diet recipe.

chickenpiccataChicken Piccata
PREP:  20 min.  COOK:  15 min.  READY IN:  35 min.
Makes 4 servings
1pound boneless skinless chicken breast halves
1 teaspoon Salt
1  teaspoon ground black pepper
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1  medium onion, chopped
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/2 cup  chicken broth
1/4 cup capers
1. Cover chicken with plastic wrap and pound with a meat mallet or rolling pin until 1/4 inch thick.
2. Season chicken all over with salt and pepper.
3. In a shallow dish (or plastic bag), combine flour, paprika and garlic powder. Mix well. Coat chicken with flour mixture. Shake off excess flour.
4. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat until oil is hot.
5. Add onions and saute until getting soft.
6. Add coated chicken and saute about 2 minutes per side, until golden brown and cooked through.
7. Add lemon juice, wine and chicken broth and bring to a simmer.  Simmer 5 minutes until chicken is cooked through and sauce thickens.
8. Serving over 1 cup white rice adds about 200 calories per serving to number below.
Nutrition per serving
Calories: 349  Fat: 12 g  Carbs: 16 g Protein: 36.5 g Cholesterol: 101 mg

Eat Enough to Lose Weight and Not Retain Fat

Shrimp with Red Sauce over Angel Hair Pasta

Shrimp with Red Sauce over Angel Hair Pasta

It is necessary to eat enough to lose weight.  If you try to starve your self you may end up retaining fat when you do eat a normal meal.

For example, a 45 year old woman, 5′ 4″, 150 pounds who is sedentary (no exercise, desk job)  needs to eat 1667 calories per day to maintain her weight and 1167 calories per day to lose 1 pound per week.  If she is lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days per week) she needs to eat 1910 calories per day to maintain and 1410 calories per day to lose 1 pound per week.

Why not eat some good food?  Here are some great non-diet meals.  Get them free here:  Relax and Lose Weight. They are at the bottom of the page.

Tonight I am preparing the Shrimp with Red Sauce over Angel Hair Pasta.  We can enjoy a healthy satisfying meal without fear of over doing it and gaining weight.



Lose Weight with Quantum Physics… What?

active neuron

Active neuron

Whenever you have learned something, improved a skill, achieved anything and were successful at it long term, you have always done it the same way.  Every time!

You were actually successful at building new neural connections in your brain.  That happens every time learning takes place.

For most of the twentieth century the brain was considered to be a relatively static structure..  It was thought that new connections only happened until the brain reached a certain level of maturity.  Scientific thinking held that only young children had this ability and the brain stopped evolving when a certain age was reached.

New studies conclusively show that we all have and retain this ability for our entire lives.  For more information about this you can review the works of Dr. Jeffery Schwartz starting with Reference 1 below.

In Quantum Physics building new neural connections is called neuroplasticity.  The brain is constantly evolving and learning.  You may not know what neuroplasticity is or how you do it or even that you do it.  It does not matter.  You are really good at it and you do it all the time.

So why is it that when we want to do something like lose weight and keep it off permanently we do something entirely different, something that we are not good at?  We try to go on a restrictive diet, or diet and exercise plan.  We try to get “motivated”, to use willpower, to use rewards and punishments to force ourselves to change our behavior.  We are not good at behavioral psychology.  We are not good at behavior modification. We try to succeed at a technique that didn’t even work for very long on Pavlov’s dogs.  And just like Pavlov’s dogs, the new behavior quickly ends and the old behavior returns, often with a vengeance.

Of course, there have been people who go on a diet, lose weight and maintain it.  We’ve all seen them in the testimonial sections of weight loss websites.  The truth is that only about 5% of the people who start a diet succeed.  The 5% of the people who have succeeded long term on a diet program have succeeded because they were able to accomplish neuroplasticity on themselves.  It was inadvertent for the most part.  It was accidental neuroplasticity.

Through trial and error, they were able to effect the changes that they sought and alter their brains to achieve their goals.

Another way to explain the success of the 5% is that they stayed with the behavior change long enough to create new neural pathways.  Studies have shown that is possible to create new pathways but only for “the responders” to behavioral therapy (i.e. the ones who outlasted the pain of cognitive dissonance).  Reference[2]  

So, back to my point:  When we are successful in achieving any goal it is because we have somehow changed the structure of our brain and that causes behavior to change to correspond with the new neural pathways.  Our newly learned attitudes and beliefs make our success achievable.  Every Time!

Perhaps the reason we don’t try to use this very powerful technique when we want to lose weight is we have achieved neuroplasticity only by accident, through trial and error, and we don’t know how that accidentally happened.  Also, accidental neuroplasticity, while it eventually can work, usually takes much, much longer than we want.

So, let’s use a system by which we can reformat our brain to achieve our goal to be slim and trim the same way that we always succeed… but, this time, let’s do it on purpose.  Let’s do Self-directed Neuroplasticity.  It’s fast, easy and permanent.

Relax and Achieve LLC, the company that developed Relax and Lose Weight™, has just the system.  It is Self-directed Neuroplasticity that teaches your subconscious mind to achieve the perfect weight for you and allows you to maintain it.  Easily and Permanently.  NO MORE STRUGGLES WITH YOUR WEIGHT.  See how Self-directed Neuroplasticity with Relax and Lose Weight™ will enable you to change your attitudes and beliefs and allow you to finally be successful.  Click Here:   Relax and Lose Weight


1). Schwartz, J.M. (et al) Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of mind–brain interaction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Jun 29, 2005; 360(1458)1309 [PubMed]

2). Schwartz J.M, Stoessel P.W, Baxter L.R, Jr, Martin K.M, Phelps M.E. Systematic changes in cerebral glucose metabolic rate after successful behavior modification treatment of obsessive–compulsive disorder. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 1996;53:109–113. [PubMed]

Diet Fails (it’s not about the diet)

It’s not the diet, it’s your approach to the diet that’s the problem!

tomato on plate soft edgesUnless you’ve been out of touch with all print, electronic and broadcast media, you have seen and heard the latest ads hyping the newest celebrity spokespersons for all the big diet plans.

Let’s face it, many of those past and present celebrities continue to be on a roller coaster ride with their weight.

A direct quote from the diet and weight loss industry is, “If they don’t do good (sic) on it, it doesn’t mean the product doesn’t work.  It just means that they’re not sticking to it.”

Well… sticking to a diet plan IS the problem!

The plan we’re referring to is not the diet itself.  The plan for every diet or weight loss program is always some variation of behavior modification, or in the new parlance, “Behavior Analysis”, which is used to try to get people to stick to the diet.  The basic tenet is, if you use willpower to repeat a behavior long enough it will become a habit.  But controlling your behavior and sticking to the diet is not the only thing you must do. With most other plans, besides Relax and Lose Weight, you also have to:

  • Control Your Home Environment by keeping tempting foods out of the house and out of sight.  Stay out of the kitchen.  Always have healthy snacks handy.
  • Control Your Work Environment and don’t eat at your desk.  Forget about eating the food at the office party and instead, bring your own.  Also, don’t eat at break-time; take a walk outside if you can.
  • Control Your Mealtime Environment and Manage Your Daily Food Intake. Do not be influenced by your family and friends who want you to eat more.
  • Put a Support Group Together Because You Can’t Do It Alone
  • Keep a Journal 
  • Whatever other things, depending on the plan

This approach to the problem has proven to be not effective over and over again.

Diets work just fine.  If you eat healthy, portion controlled meals you will lose weight.  How much weight you lose depends on how long you’re willing to stick to the plan. Of course, when you do reach your goal, you have to worry about keeping the weight off.  Studies (and your own experience) show that it’s only a matter of time before you gain it all back and maybe more.

Just recall many of the celebrity spokespersons.  All got paid a fortune to lose weight and still have struggled to keep it off or didn’t keep it off for long at all. It’s not the diet that fails, but the attached behavior modification system that has proven over and over again to be ineffective and short lived.

The modified behavior ends when your goal is reached, when willpower is just too hard, or when rationalizations take over.  Behavior modification (classical conditioning) wasn’t even permanent for Pavlov’s dogs!   It’s not the diet, it’s the approach to the diet that’s all wrong.

So, what IS the right approach to weight loss? By utilizing Intrinsic Motivation instead of Behavior Modification, you will never have to rely on your own willpower again!  You will lose weight permanently without ever feeling deprived. Below is a Behavior Modification vs. Intrinsic Motivation Comparison Table for an explanation of how this approach works:

Behavior Modification vs. Intrinsic Motivation Comparison Table:

Behavior Modification

Intrinsic Motivation

Keep tempting foods out of the house because if they’re around you’ll never be able to stop yourself. You can have whatever you want.  You find that foods are no longer a temptation.  If you decide to eat something delicious, you automatically moderate the amount you eat.
You’re focused on losing weight. You’re focused on being slim and trim.
If you have a “bad day” you’ve blown it.  The diet is “out the window.” If you eat too much at one meal you automatically compensate at the next.
You must deprive yourself of the food you love. You can eat whatever you want but you find yourself making better choices.
You can’t wait until the diet is over so you can eat what you’ve been missing. You’re never on a diet unless you want to be for your own convenience and you don’t feel deprived.  The eating habits necessary to achieve and maintain your goal quickly become a new way of life.
You’re relying on willpower. Your intrinsic motivation makes willpower unnecessary.
When you reach your target weight you go back to your old eating habits and gain all the weight back and maybe more. You’ll never have to worry about your weight again.  You made a change in your motivation, in your attitude, in your subconscious mind which created an automatic and permanent change in your behavior.  And you love eating even more!

Relax and Lose Weight™ is different than anything you have ever tried before.  We help you to establish weight loss goals centered on Intrinsic Motivation by using the power of your subconscious mind.  Your mind is already wired to succeed. Intrinsic Motivation on the subconscious level is what you have always used to permanently achieve anything you have ever set your mind to so you already know how it works (at least your subconscious does).

Achieving goals with Intrinsic Motivation is spontaneous and permanent. For more information on this proven goal achievement system, just watch the three free videos on our home page.  If you’ve already watched all three, you can take advantage of our lifetime membership found on the Membership Page and learn how to master the system for life.

Plug into your own personal power with Relax and Lose Weight™ today.

Enroll  in Relax and Lose Weight™ today and begin seeing changes tomorrow.

Visit us at

Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation

Ivan, I’m not drooling again until I see more chow!

Extrinsic motivation is incentive coming from outside one self.  Intrinsic motivation is incentive coming from our very being.

Extrinsic motivation can be beneficial, at least short-term, when properly implemented within the normal weight coaching environment.  It is important to remember that the effects of extrinsic motivation, without using the coercive practice of extinction, are only temporary in nature.

Extinction is a strategy based on applied behavior analysis that is used to reduce or eliminate unwanted behavior. Extinction involves withdrawing or terminating positive reinforcement or giving negative cues.  The interfering behavior is likely to increase in frequency and intensity (extinction burst) before it is extinguished as the client seeks to elicit the reinforcers previously provided.

It may be that  many weight loss coaches don’t have the power over the client or the inclination to employ this strategy but this extinction strategy may be seen in the disapproval or removing of approval of significant others in the clients support system.  It may be evidenced in a dieter’s compensatory eating (extinction burst) or giving up altogether on the idea through rationalization or self-handicapping.

Extrinsic rewards, when used correctly, can be beneficial to athletes. However, athletes in highly competitive levels of sport may experience decreases in their intrinsic motivation because of the increasing use of extrinsic rewards offered by the media, coaches, and parents.   Has it ever occurred that a professional baseball player, upon signing a mega contract, has a substandard year?

Setting yourself a goal to lose a specific amount of weight gives you something to aim for and something to be motivated by.  What happens when the goal is achieved?  Without going into Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a satisfied need has no impetus to further motivate behavior.

Intrinsic motivation is when a person is motivated to be something based on an internal reward, such as enjoyment of the activity itself and/or a desire to maintain the rewards of that activity. You are intrinsically motivated if you are driven to become “slim and trim”.

For instance, leading a lifestyle to be slim and trim is to gain a sense of internal pleasure and fulfillment by maintaining that lifestyle. When a person is intrinsically motivated to be something, the rewards for engaging in it include a sense of satisfaction. Benefits of this type of motivation can include a sense of accomplishment and increased self-awareness.  Intrinsic motivation can also increase autonomy and sense of purpose.

It is well known in psychology that people who are intrinsically motivated to be something perform at a far higher level than those who are extrinsically motivated to do something.  Intrinsic motivation is inherent motivation inside an individual that leads them to performing under their own free will.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within, driving you to succeed based on inner goals and ambition.

To see how to develop Intrinsic Motivation go to our site: