Active neuron
Whenever you have learned something, improved a skill, achieved anything and were successful at it long term, you have always done it the same way. Every time!
You were actually successful at building new neural connections in your brain. That happens every time learning takes place.
For most of the twentieth century the brain was considered to be a relatively static structure.. It was thought that new connections only happened until the brain reached a certain level of maturity. Scientific thinking held that only young children had this ability and the brain stopped evolving when a certain age was reached.
New studies conclusively show that we all have and retain this ability for our entire lives. For more information about this you can review the works of Dr. Jeffery Schwartz starting with Reference 1 below.
In Quantum Physics building new neural connections is called neuroplasticity. The brain is constantly evolving and learning. You may not know what neuroplasticity is or how you do it or even that you do it. It does not matter. You are really good at it and you do it all the time.
So why is it that when we want to do something like lose weight and keep it off permanently we do something entirely different, something that we are not good at? We try to go on a restrictive diet, or diet and exercise plan. We try to get “motivated”, to use willpower, to use rewards and punishments to force ourselves to change our behavior. We are not good at behavioral psychology. We are not good at behavior modification. We try to succeed at a technique that didn’t even work for very long on Pavlov’s dogs. And just like Pavlov’s dogs, the new behavior quickly ends and the old behavior returns, often with a vengeance.
Of course, there have been people who go on a diet, lose weight and maintain it. We’ve all seen them in the testimonial sections of weight loss websites. The truth is that only about 5% of the people who start a diet succeed. The 5% of the people who have succeeded long term on a diet program have succeeded because they were able to accomplish neuroplasticity on themselves. It was inadvertent for the most part. It was accidental neuroplasticity.
Through trial and error, they were able to effect the changes that they sought and alter their brains to achieve their goals.
Another way to explain the success of the 5% is that they stayed with the behavior change long enough to create new neural pathways. Studies have shown that is possible to create new pathways but only for “the responders” to behavioral therapy (i.e. the ones who outlasted the pain of cognitive dissonance). Reference[2]
So, back to my point: When we are successful in achieving any goal it is because we have somehow changed the structure of our brain and that causes behavior to change to correspond with the new neural pathways. Our newly learned attitudes and beliefs make our success achievable. Every Time!
Perhaps the reason we don’t try to use this very powerful technique when we want to lose weight is we have achieved neuroplasticity only by accident, through trial and error, and we don’t know how that accidentally happened. Also, accidental neuroplasticity, while it eventually can work, usually takes much, much longer than we want.
So, let’s use a system by which we can reformat our brain to achieve our goal to be slim and trim the same way that we always succeed… but, this time, let’s do it on purpose. Let’s do Self-directed Neuroplasticity. It’s fast, easy and permanent.
Relax and Achieve LLC, the company that developed Relax and Lose Weight™, has just the system. It is Self-directed Neuroplasticity that teaches your subconscious mind to achieve the perfect weight for you and allows you to maintain it. Easily and Permanently. NO MORE STRUGGLES WITH YOUR WEIGHT. See how Self-directed Neuroplasticity with Relax and Lose Weight™ will enable you to change your attitudes and beliefs and allow you to finally be successful. Click Here: Relax and Lose Weight™
1). Schwartz, J.M. (et al) Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of mind–brain interaction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Jun 29, 2005; 360(1458)1309 [PubMed]
2). Schwartz J.M, Stoessel P.W, Baxter L.R, Jr, Martin K.M, Phelps M.E. Systematic changes in cerebral glucose metabolic rate after successful behavior modification treatment of obsessive–compulsive disorder. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 1996;53:109–113. [PubMed]